
the positives

Lately I've put all emotion in a box, good and bad but mostly bad. I've just "been" and tried hard to not feel. And it has done nothing but left me cold. But this weekend with my husband was amazing. So...

1. My husband. He's darling and he's persistent. He set his mind to making my last few moments of an all too short spring break carefree and pleasant. Saturday mornings are usually Bobby time where I sleep and he turns 12 and plays video games. But this time he woke me with cuddles, kisses, and promises of bacon and The Office. We grocery shopped, a fun date we rarely enjoy together. We had piƱa coladas and more cuddles with Friends. And then he grilled the most perfect burgers ever. Great man, that husband.

2. Champagne. It's bubbly, its uplifting, and it makes me feel young and giggly. There's no room in my head for both champagne and worries, so guess which one I pick?

3. Great friends. I don't think I've ever been so grateful for the simplicity of tight hugs, a laugh over wine and fire, or a walk on the beach than I was this week. From listening to my worries and frets to holding my hand while I tear up, my lovely comrades have stuck it out for me. I am thankful.

4. Italy! We are officially going and have an itinerary to prove it. So thanks to Bobby and Amanda for turning my wishes into plans, I couldn't be more ecstatic. 

5. Feeling myself again, little by little. Hormones are beginning to balance again, thank goodness. Going through something so mentally and emotionally unnerving is hard enough without having your body turn against you. But as my thoughts are becoming more rational I am better able to share how I feel and find my own little peace. And that is so nice.

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