
week 16

cravings:  watermelon like no one's business

aversions:  anything cheesy other than burgers.

symptoms:  Finally moving from common 1st tri symptoms to notoriously better 2nd tri symptoms like a stuffy nose, lower back pain, and energy. I was totally cool after my run yesterday, not a single dry heave! Also, and this is weird and freaky, but I'm already leaking colostrum? Milk machine in progress over hear.

movement:  Bobby felt a kick from the outside and it was awesome! And yesterday I felt something wild like a flip or something. Baby's getting big and strong in there.

weight gain:  After a week with no cardio I have gained one whole pound. I've decided to track weight by trimester because there's very little chance of catching back up to my start weight anytime soon.

fears:  Pretty fearless this week, things are good.

general mood:  I guess I'm moody, just a lot of highs and a few lows every now and then. I'm super excited, but these hormones are real.

sleep:  Crazy real and vivid dreams and lots of waking up. Last night Bear was also restless, and that meant very little deep sleep.

surprised by:  that flip yesterday. Really, it was intense. Also, so much is happening so early so I have a ton of questions for my OB this week.

looking forward to:  Hearing the heartbeat on Wednesday, planning the gender reveal, arranging our babymoon.

best / worst moments:  After feeling that kick Bobby said it's starting to feel like this baby is really a part of our family. I mean I've felt this way since it started calling the shots on what I could eat and when I could sleep and leave the house. But I love that he's connecting with the baby on a more intimate level. I've had some really awful lower back pain this week. A chiropractor friend says that this is thanks to the  hormone making the ligaments in my hips stretch. So yoga is an everyday thing now.

bobby is:   adorable. He feels my belly every time I feel movement, just in case. He loves our baby, I love them both.

maternity clothes:  Still  nothing new, but I may just order another belly band or two this week because they are the very best things ever.

gender:  Bobby just knows it's a girl, and I'm completely unsure even though all signs say boy. We've started trading off he and she since "it" seems so impersonal.

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