cravings: barbecue chips (one of Bobby's favorites which I can't stand), and beef, mostly in the form of bacon cheese burgers
aversions: non-burger cheese, most food in general
symptoms: still the crying, and oh the all-day nausea is back and more awful than ever.
movement: So much. It wakes me up now and it's so new and wonderful that I don't even mind. Bobby's able to feel more now too.
weight gain: My scale broke, but the hospital scale had me back down a couple pounds the other night.
fears: That my lack of balanced nutrition is affecting baby's growth, hopefully new week's sono will be reassuring. Oh, and this birth story which sort of freaks me out after following a similar pregnancy.
general mood: Today I am beyond happy (basically just to have slept soundly and not puked yet), but the highs are high and the lows are low.
sleep: When it's solid I sleep great, but that only happens maybe half the time. And the crazy dreams continue. Last night Bobby I and were bidding on miniature hippos and horses at the rodeo.
surprised by: how active baby has become in just a week. And it's created such a bond. I mean I already was head over heals in love with the parasite, but feeling that baby swim is just unreal. And getting to share some of that with Bobby is the bee's knees.
looking forward to: Our 10 hour car ride home. Not really. But I am thrilled to actually get there and eat at all the places I miss and love on some family. And of course getting to watch baby swim around on the big screen during next week's scan.
best / worst moments: The best moment was our lovely springtime walk yesterday. The sun was shining, the air was warm but still cool from yesterday's rain, bluebonnets were blooming everywhere, and I wasn't even nauseous. Perfect afternoon stroll and I wish I could experience it everyday. The worst moment was being so dehydrated after days of the worst ever morning sickness that I gave in and went in for an IV and some injected Phenergan. It sucked, but it seemed to fix me up for at least the short term.
bobby is: such a great caretaker, and I'm sure he'll care just as much for the baby. He was such a rockstar on Friday when I asked him to come home and take me to the hospital. He fed me while I was in the clouds afterward and has pushed food and drink just about every moment since. I'm so glad he's the one I'm adventuring through this with.
maternity clothes: my new leggings are AMAZING. Find them here and buy like eight pairs if you want to know true comfort. The new belly bands are also great and very supportive (much more so than my Target ones that I thought I loved but now pale in comparison. And I wore my mom's birthday gift to me yesterday and it made me look skinny from the front and preggo from the side. It's what every whale dreams of :)
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