aversions: none, give me all the food.
symptoms: lots of pre/early labor symptoms including but not limited to waves of legit contractions that get a little scary before breaking for a few hours, and cramping in my back. She is for sure engaged which has left the downtown with a lot of pressure. Like sitting upright is a challenge. The relaxin coursing through my veins is also on the increase, causing a lot of acid reflux and terrible balance and unsteadiness. But my biggest symptom is feeling like a whale. How can my body possibly stretch any farther?!
movement: she pushes her butt out a lot, wiggles her left foot when she hears noises, and is constantly trying to get even lower (but Violet, there just isn't anymore room down there!). She been getting hiccups almost daily, and they tickle quite a bit.
fears: that she's going to stay in there forever. I feel like Sookie at the end of her first pregnancy bouncing about and worrying she's carrying an elephant child that will want to gestate for two years. I'm to the point where I just want her out and here in my arms. And then I feel guilty for not basking in every sweet moment of this longed-for pregnancy and then I cry.
general mood: whiney. And I get sad/angry way too easily. I really want to be happy and relish in these last few weeks, but I'm always always tired and uncomfortable and it's got me a little down. I need a wave of endurance!
sleep: back to crappy sleep with lots of interruptions.
surprised by: how done I am with being pregnant. I'm very pro the natural route, but I think if my doctor offered me an induction today I would cry tears of joy because I'm that weak.
looking forward to: my mom gets here tonight! It is such a relief to know that someone will be here with me if I go into labor, to help me finish her nursery and prepare the house for guests and V, and to encourage me to power through.
best / worst moments: one of the best moments is right now, realizing that it's a month for her guess date! Whooohoooo! Another good moment was taking our Baby 101 class where we learned what to do with her once we get home and even got a baby instruction manual. Though I have a good bit of experience with babies, Bobby has very little (like he changed his very first diaper last Saturday). So we are feeling much more prepared after that. Less than ideal moments were spending Friday timing contractions and feeling unprepared for her seemingly impending arrival. I ironed baby clothes and bedding for six hours solid and cleaned the whole house, just in case.
bobby is: So supportive through all of the emotions I've been experiencing and in all of our birth preparations. He's really helping me get as ready as I can so that I can feel peace over not knowing "when."
nursery progress: it isn't pretty yet, but all of her stuff is ready and organized. Her clothes are washed, ironed, and organized by size and type. Her bathroom is organized. Her changing station is set up in our room for now along with her cradle. Her bags are packed and loaded, our bag is packed sans toiletries (which are Expo markered on the bathroom mirror for easy packing). If I went into labor this second, I could be ready and at the hospital in an hour.

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