
warning: this is now a mom blog

Right now I'm sitting mostly naked on my couch with a naked, sleeping baby while I half watch Scandal. It's only 10AM and I've already been peed, pooped, and puked on. Two baby gowns, my pjs, my robe, and a poorly placed blanket are in the wash, and I would go shower and put on fresh clothes if I wasn't so happy that my teething baby has finally gotten to sleep. So I'm staying as still as I can for her.

The day after V was born, I realized I was not ready to be a parent. As much as I had studied and prepared and pinned, there was no "ready" when it came down to the nitty gritty. No article about nursing can prepare you for the pain of a bad latch. No amount of practice diaper changes on a doll will make diapering a squirmy, screaming, peeing little worm with legs way too skinny for that newborn diaper any easier. No blog on sleep training will guard your fragile postpartum heart for the midnight scream-fests of your exhausted newborn who just won't sleep even though you need to so bad.  Since that realization hit me I've made notes, mental and chicken scratch in a dollar-spot journal, on what has helped me. On what has made my mom-life easier. Because let me tell you, doing things the easy way is the right way, even if it isn't what you planned on your Pinterest board. I've wanted to blog about these tricks, little and life changing, for so long. And now we are finally getting on a routine where I can pause and sit in font of a computer for twenty minutes and share.

So look out world, this is a mom blog now. 


violet's third month

15lb . 7oz . 24.5in

wearing 3mo clothes, size 2 diapers

loves: eye contact, "talking," practice standing, & bath time
hates: tummy time, teething, bottles, & chinese food

this month she went on her first trip, was Harry Potter for her first Halloween, began mirroring facial expressions, started running with mom and dad. started sleeping in her own room, and has started scooting

Miss Violet is 3 months old and a major drama queen. We jump from being the happiest baby full of grins and giggles, to screaming like a banshee in two seconds flat. But boy are those grins are worth every tear! Everyday she surprises us with her strength, growth, and abilities. She loves standing with me holding her hands at her chest and can hold her weight for over two minutes. She talks back and forth with Bobby every evening and is learning the "ah" and "oh" sounds. She refuses to exercise those arms, or she'd be crawling everywhere, she scoots on her knees all over. This month we took a trip through FWB, down to Gainesville, up to Centerville, and back through FWB. She met all but one of her great grandparents and did so so well in the car. We love our girl and we love watching our friends and family love her, too.

Ashley finally got to come meet V this month!

V's first trip to the beach
She made some funny faces as she wiggled her toes in the sand
she may or may not have screamed bloody murder at whataburger before falling asleep in Grahama's arms
whatababy through and through
she experienced the corn maze at Rodger's Farm in Gainesville, one of our favorite fall traditions with Amanda and Dane


we visited the bull gator at UF
and might have taken this just so we could pose for the same picture when her drop her off in eighteen years ;)
Grandma Shirley got some good snuggles, even with her cast
she loved when Grandpa Bobby would sing to her
stopped for a quick lunch with Mimi
loved on Ama
Fafa serenaded her, too
Bigbo stole her bow at Tijuana
her aunts would steal her in a heartbeat if I let my guard down
she loves when I come get her from her crib
our first family date was to a Rockets game, and she napped half the time
our HP themed halloween
our first family run was pretty great
she naps in my arms less and less every day, so I'm soaking up these moments while I can 
and one for the blooper reel.