The day after V was born, I realized I was not ready to be a parent. As much as I had studied and prepared and pinned, there was no "ready" when it came down to the nitty gritty. No article about nursing can prepare you for the pain of a bad latch. No amount of practice diaper changes on a doll will make diapering a squirmy, screaming, peeing little worm with legs way too skinny for that newborn diaper any easier. No blog on sleep training will guard your fragile postpartum heart for the midnight scream-fests of your exhausted newborn who just won't sleep even though you need to so bad. Since that realization hit me I've made notes, mental and chicken scratch in a dollar-spot journal, on what has helped me. On what has made my mom-life easier. Because let me tell you, doing things the easy way is the right way, even if it isn't what you planned on your Pinterest board. I've wanted to blog about these tricks, little and life changing, for so long. And now we are finally getting on a routine where I can pause and sit in font of a computer for twenty minutes and share.
So look out world, this is a mom blog now.
So look out world, this is a mom blog now.