I love my daughter. But I also really love my sleep. And for the past three weeks she has not slept more than three hours solid at night (except for one night a week ago where she slept four hours and I milked my freshly washed sheets), and often wakes ravenous every two hours. Basically I'm exhausted.
Back track, I've been extremely spoiled and I should be kissing this girl's tiny feet because up until now she has only woken up at night a handful of times in six months. On her fifth night out of the womb I rushed into my sister's room at 5am and shook her little body in a panic, sure that she had smothered because what newborn sleeps so long. My newborn, duh. It's been wonderful and our lack of sleep deprivation has made this whole parenting gig so much easier. So much more fulfilling, or so I imagine.
But now my sleeping champ has been replaced. She sleeps longer stretches during the day than she does at night. Last night I was ready to let her cry it out, usually I'd hear her little hungry whimper and have her in the rocker ready to latch before her eyes fluttered open, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Guys, she woke up laughing. Laughing. And by giving her time to settle herself she actually woke herself up entirely and started squealing. Ten minutes later I thought my boobs were going to explode so I gave up, fed her, and fell asleep soothing her to sleep in the rocker.
So friends, family, strangers who have any advice, what can I do to stretch her eat-every-three-hours-forever to maybe four? Help. Please.