18b . 3oz . 27.5in
wearing 6-9mo clothes, size 3 diapers
loves: eating my feet and shoes, making noises by talking and banging on stuff, chewing all the cups, blowing drool bubbles
hates: changing shirts, manicures, wearing hats, being cooped up for more than a minute
I flew to FL, MD, and back to TX, when I feel like it I will wave and say mama & dada, I had a special morning with mom at her spot on the beach, I love making friends, I went to the rodeo, I sign "hungry"
I think I subconsciously procrastinate writing these monthly posts because I'm in denial that yet another month has passed already. Sorry for the low quality pics this month - they were already a week late and this girl keeps me thoroughly occupied. Its been a wild month, let me tell ya. My mama visited for my 24th birthday, V and I flew to Florida to visit a dear friend and catch up with family, we met Bobby in Baltimore for his sister's lovely wedding shower, and then we drove up to New Jersey to visit his grandmother and aunts. It was an awesome trip, and we even made it into NYC a couple times. We came home to my aunt and uncle visiting for a spell, hit up Rodeo Houston, and are now recovering from our crazy month. Crazy, but wonderful!
I was so good on my first plane ride that the lady behind me didn't know I was there until the very end! |
I was featured on Aunt Berkley's Snapchat... |
I went to the spot Mom visualized during labor. She cried, I ate sand. |
I finally met Aunt Kay! |
We met lots of family at Aunt Liz's wedding shower. |
I slept all over Manhattan |
I pooped in my snow suit... |
I played with the dinosaurs, rawr! |
I finally met GG, too! |
Mom made me lay in a basket of lemons, crazy lady. |
I wave now, no big.. |
I had a blast at my very first rodeo! |
...counting sheep with a real sheep |
I hate being still, but I love to smile! |