
week 20

     I cannot believe that this pregnancy is already past it's halfway point! So many people told me how much faster things go the second time around, but experiencing it has been wild. Even though there is still so much to do, I really just can't wait to meet Lily. And tomorrow, we get a sneak peak of her little face! Bobby and V will get to come to my scan and watch her swim around for the whole thirty minutes or so. It's going to give me such peace of mind to have her placenta and my cervix measured and examined, because with each contraction comes a little flood of anxiety. 

     I've started experiencing some intense sciatic nerve pain down my left leg after long days on my feet. Even though it is an annoying pain in the rear, I appreciate the tangible reminder to take some time each day to rest and put my feet up (and maybe chow down on a little Easter candy).

     All but one box of the major loads of project supplies has finally shipped in, and I'm just about done sorting through and organizing all the baby gear. So this weekend I hope to choose the paint for her room and find the perfect fabric to make it a wee bit feminine (Ikea sold out of their discontinued fabric before I could stock up, booo!!). We are stoked to see Dad & Ashley next week. Violet will have playmates while I work on a few projects, and we will quite possibly eat our way through Houston (I've got at least 3 burger joints on the list).


week 19

sorry for the hiatus, we were too wrapped up in having company to blog!

The past two weeks have been loads of fun. My mom and sister spent their spring break here and we spent our days picking strawberries, frolicking through wildflowers, making the annual pilgrimage through Ikea, and eating our way through the rodeo. But in the midst of all the activity, I started having some pretty intense cramping, which progressed into weak-stronger-strong contractions. My doctor checks in on me periodically, and I take notes on her movements and my discomfort, and so far everything seems pretty normal. But my anxiety has certainly been tested, and I have to actively choose faith over fear daily.

On a more positive note, her movements have become much more concrete in the last few days! Bobby's felt a few wiggles here and there, and Violet felt a really sharp kick this morning. She poked my belly right back, giggled, and said "whooooaaaaa!" Maybe this will help her accommodate between my belly-button and this "baby" thing we keep telling her about.

I don't necessarily feel like my belly is getting super huge, but as it gets firmer and rounder it is really starting to affect my day-to-day! Last night I tried to squeeze between a chair and a wall, and I got stuck and had to ask the person in the chair to move. And I have to sit to tie my shoes. And if I sit on the floor, I need a crane to lift me back up.  But I love that my belly is now pretty obviously a baby-belly, not a too-many-donuts-belly.

Bobby and I are so excited to meet our littlest girl and hold her tiny little self. It's baffling how fast Violet has grown into an independent person, and it will be such a treat to soak up all of the little noises, smells, and cuddles another time. Cheers to (probably) being half way there!


week 17

Man you guys, the days are long but the weeks are just flying by!

This week has been marked by serious exhaustion. I know I'm really getting a lot done everyday, keeping busy and active and sticking to my baby-prep goals, but I'm so tired! I haven't been sleeping soundly, and when I wake up in the morning my body aches and my eyes don't want to open. I'm really excited for my mom and sister to spend the week with us (2 more days!), because I miss them and I also really need some rest.

Lily wiggles around after meals and in the bath, but she seems to be much more easy going than Violet was at this stage. By 17 weeks last time, both Bobby and my doctor had felt strong kicks. This time, she feels much more like a butterfly than a thumping rabbit. I like it :)

I've just about got the nursery planned out in my head, and I've ordered all my DIY supplies. I cannot wait to start making progress! Next week I plan to refinish Violet's crib (girlfriend chewed right through my cheap paint, so this time I'm breaking out the good stuff), and shop for a recently retired fabric from Ikea that I love love love (so wish me all of the luck). My goal is to finish the nursery entirely before I leave for Florida mid-May, so that I can nest without feeling overwhelmed in the third trimester.

And now I'm off to nap...


week 16

       We are so completely smitten with our Lily! On Monday I planted nine bulbs that should sprout soon and bloom this summer. I think it will be so neat to watch them progress with Violet, she loves all of our flowers and has such a curious little mind. Speaking of, our little Pea has gotten in the habbit of flashing everyone now that she has discovered her very own "beebee" (bellybutton) just in time for Mardi Gras. But at least now instead of trying to pull up my dresses in public, she can show her own self off! 

       For a while I was getting so light headed every time I so much as stood for more than a minute thanks to all of my blood vessels dilating before my blood-volume could catch up, but this week it has caught up and then some. I remember getting migraines right around now with Violet, but this time my blood pressure is much higher than I'm used to, and I have intense swelling my the end of the day. I'm trying to keep my feet up for a while mid-afternoon, but that's my most productive time of day!

       At home I live in an endless cycle of running and leisure leggings (but my good running tights are starting to cut into my belly and cankles, boo!), and stick to dresses in public because I cannot find maternity pants I like this time around. For real, my body has changed soooo much that I feel like I'm starting my maternity wardrobe from scratch. I'm in desperate search of good jeans that are comfortable but stay up on their own, so other mamas - send me links!!