
weeks 21 & 22

       Last week I saw my doctor to review our anatomy scan (isn't baby adorable?!), and to talk about my contractions. I was expecting her to reassure me that everything was normal and that I had nothing to be concerned about, because that's usually what happens when you have weird pregnancy symptoms. Not this time. She ended up being just about as concerned as I've been the past few weeks, and told me to start tracking them when they begin. This way I can hopefully spot any early labor signs before they get too far along to stop. Since I often had contractions after runs, I've retired earlier than planned at nearly 400 miles. I'm still proud, and I feel like it was the right choice with the gravity of the situation. So we walk now. A lot. We just combined our day-to-day stroller with our jogger with the Double City Select, and we LOVE it. Like Violet loves it so much that she cries when we finish our walks. 

       While Dad and Ashley were here, we picked the new nursery color (finally!), and got tons of work done. We installed our new Murphy Bed in the office, creating a new dual function guest room. We also converted Bobby's mom's antique toddler bed into a combination toddler day bed / full size bed. This way not only can V not roll out of bed (she's a major mover), but it's going to last us a good long while. I've also stripped, painted, and sealed the changing station. Basically, its been a super productive week, and I'm on track to have the nursery finished when we leave for vacation next month. Whoohooooo!

       This week I've been exhausted, but otherwise am feeling pretty good. Getting up off the floor can be tricky, but I'm taking advantage of my able-body for as long as I can. Violet is getting her 2 year-old molars, and all this dehydration business is causing some migraines. The two do not nix well. But I hold her as much as she'll let me, and take advantage of every nap time (where she may be backsliding into her pacifier habit a bit...). Lily has been getting more and more mobile, but she's more of a wiggler than a kicker which has been so sweet!

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