
week 30

       You guys, I've made it 3/4 of the way to my due date! If you'd told me we'd make it far enough for my doctor to say "she should be in great shape if she came tomorrow," six weeks ago when I had my first series of contractions, I would not have believed you for a second.

       I saw my doctor yesterday, and was blown away by her good report. Although I'm still being monitored for my high risk of preterm labor, bedrest seems to suit me. My cervix is high and closed, babe and I are both measuring perfectly, and she thinks I'll make it to 34 weeks easy peasy if we continue to treat contractions as they come. While she would likely have to gain some weight in the NICU at this point, 30 weeks is a huge milestone and any health concerns for a preemie at her stage are unlikely. And my doctor even told me that if she stayed in until 34 weeks our NICU time should be days, not weeks! I could have cried it was such a relief to hear. We went over my birth plan and my 2-page list of questions, and I walked out feeling so much peace. 

       This week I have been so hungry, that it is truly ridiculous. And I lost two pounds eating everything I wanted. So I'm just going to keep listening to my body and packing some fat on this babe. Last night I literally ate until I hurt, and still woke up six hours later starving. Babies make you do crazy things. 

       Yesterday a friend brought over her toddler and newborn to let the girls run off some steam with each other. Violet was baby-crazy, and I could have eaten that little bit right up. From the moment they came in, Violet was pointing and reaching for "beeeeebeeeeee!!!" and was so concerned for every coo and cry. If it's any indication, I think she's going to be a pretty smitten sister.

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