
week 32

       This has been a good week, and it has done my soul well. Physically, I’m feeling pretty huge and every time I stand up I feel like I’ve been kicked in the groin as my pelvis starts to separate. But Lily is still such a gentle little kicker (compared to Violet who bruised me from the womb), that the aches and pains of the third trimester haven't really started to bother me yet. She feels lower everyday, causing me to have to pee all the time and waddle a bit, but I'm just so grateful to still be pregnant that I really don't care.

       This week I broke free of bed rest for a hot second to start a registry and get a few baby essentials, and ended up finding the sweetest little monogrammed baby gown with the most perfect little pink "L" over her heart. I can't wait to see it on her tiny little self. Bobby and I both think about meeting her all the time, and its such a relief to us both to imagine getting to hold her as long as we want instead of giving her a quick kiss and sending her off to the NICU. That happy fantasy is getting more and more realistic with each passing day.

       My doctor's appointment went so well this week. Although I have started dilating (not quite to a centimeter yet, and I was 2 cm for a month with V), her positioning is perfect and she is measuring a week ahead on the growth curve. This is HUGE. Our goal for the last month has been to make it to 34 weeks - the typical week where babies who received steroids are able to come home with mom after 2 days in the NICU, barring complications. And even though next week is week 33 for me, she will likely hit the weight requirements for a 34 weeker! Fingers crossed, knock on wood, we are going to make it to our goal! My next appointment (in a week and a half) will be an ultrasound appointment where they will decide whether or not we will stop intervening with labor. If I have any labor signs before the appointment, they would scan and examine her before stopping anything. So we could potentially have a healthy baby sometime in the next couple weeks. Praise Jesus.


week 31

       This week had a bit of a rocky start, but has been incredibly boring for the last few days (in a very good way). I woke up feeling "off," with a lot of pelvic pain and pressure, nausea, and random contractions. By Monday evening I was even more uncomfortable and started having bad contractions 4 minutes apart, and albuterol wasn't helping much. So we got to spend the night getting monitored at L&D, and I got injections of a nasty drug every few hours. I'm still not dilated, and I probably just have an irritable uterus, but because of my positive ffn test, we have to take these fits of contractions seriously (or we may end up with a Beltway Baby). 
       Since I got home things have been easy peasy. I've been knitting, making boho dream catchers, and pretty matching bows for the girlies. The nursery is getting closer to ready and we will be introducing V to her toddler bed this weekend! We are hoping I'm feeling up to the Father's Day baseball game this weekend, but we are playing it all by ear. Regardless of how we get to celebrate him, my girls have one incredible daddy ❤


week 30

       You guys, I've made it 3/4 of the way to my due date! If you'd told me we'd make it far enough for my doctor to say "she should be in great shape if she came tomorrow," six weeks ago when I had my first series of contractions, I would not have believed you for a second.

       I saw my doctor yesterday, and was blown away by her good report. Although I'm still being monitored for my high risk of preterm labor, bedrest seems to suit me. My cervix is high and closed, babe and I are both measuring perfectly, and she thinks I'll make it to 34 weeks easy peasy if we continue to treat contractions as they come. While she would likely have to gain some weight in the NICU at this point, 30 weeks is a huge milestone and any health concerns for a preemie at her stage are unlikely. And my doctor even told me that if she stayed in until 34 weeks our NICU time should be days, not weeks! I could have cried it was such a relief to hear. We went over my birth plan and my 2-page list of questions, and I walked out feeling so much peace. 

       This week I have been so hungry, that it is truly ridiculous. And I lost two pounds eating everything I wanted. So I'm just going to keep listening to my body and packing some fat on this babe. Last night I literally ate until I hurt, and still woke up six hours later starving. Babies make you do crazy things. 

       Yesterday a friend brought over her toddler and newborn to let the girls run off some steam with each other. Violet was baby-crazy, and I could have eaten that little bit right up. From the moment they came in, Violet was pointing and reaching for "beeeeebeeeeee!!!" and was so concerned for every coo and cry. If it's any indication, I think she's going to be a pretty smitten sister.


week 29

       Well, we've made it another week! Bedrest has been very challenging, but getting out of the house for our little weekend staycation in the city was a really relaxing escape for all of us. On Sunday night we had a little scare of very intense contractions, but thanks to albuterol we were able to avoid a hospital visit. Other than that one rough night, contractions have been mild through the week (by God's good grace). The most trying discomfort I've experienced this week has been pelvic pain and pressure from Lily trying her darndest to break free. She has been heads down for a few days and likes to grind her head against my left pubic tubercle, and it hurts like hades. On a high note, she has dropped significantly (my belly has finally caught up to her steroidal growth spurt), greatly reducing all the nasty acid reflux and giving me more room to breathe.

        I'm starting to feel very "third-trimestery" with crazy overwhelming hormones, exhaustion, and insomnia, but I'm going to very intentionally treasure each moment of this pregnancy. I missed it so quickly after Violet's birth, and this pregnancy could be cut short at any moment. I have to soak it all in while I can!

       Our dear friends here in Houston have been incredibly sweet in reaching out to take care of us, and it's taken a little while to figure out our needs while I'm on bedrest. While the most help we will need is if we end up with one baby in the NICU and a toddler at home, I have come up with a couple ways you can help us out! One sweet friend is putting together a Meal Train, and you can just shoot me a message if you'd like the link. Another need I have (a little more complicated) is for volunteers to keep Violet if/when we have to quickly go to the hospital. If you'd like to be put on that list, message me the days/times you would be free to drop everything and meet us at the hospital.

Cheers to another week down, and prayers that we make it another five!