
violet's eight month

19lb . 6oz . 28.5in
wearing 9mo clothes, size 4 diapers

loves: eating and pulling mama's hair, avocado, grabbing faces, eating bear's toys

hates: crawling, nose drops (darn cold), nursing (also darn cold), going to sleep

I play with other babies, I like daddy the best, I eat squash + carrots + avocado, I nap three times a day (can I get a hallelujah?!), I'm in constant motion, I'm starting to crawl

This is a ridiculously late post because the last two weeks we have been in teeth-cutting hell. For a while I didn't even recognize my sweet girl - she had become a screaming chimpanzee who would tear at my face, pull out hand fulls of hair, and bite everything in site. Luckily said tooth has broken skin and our lives are returning to normal (for now anyways..).

During Violet's eighth month we welcomed my mom and sister, basked in the glorious bluebonnets, picked strawberries, celebrated Easter, pushed solid foods, and grew a whole lot. It was really a good, albeit busy month. Violet has developed such a personality and talks her head off all day long. She adores her daddy and she'll start rambling on about him if she here's "daddy," sees his picture, or misses him. Bear is in for a big surprise once girly gets mobile, he's still terrified of her and isn't a fan of her playing with his toys. Even through the chaos of the last two weeks, we are absolutely smitten with our girl!

she holds her own bottle and cruises with support
one year later: smaller belly, fuller heart


more solid foods = more sink baths

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