
week 36

       This afternoon at the first of my weekly doctor's appointments, I got the BEST news...

      The painful, regular contractions that I feel for hours a day 2-3 times a week are finally doing something! I'm dilated to a loose 2, the same as when my water broke with Violet!

       So we are looking at any day in the next 3 weeks, haha. It's such a funny thing how this huge life-changing thing has the most vague of timelines. But our bags are (still) packed, and now the nursery is even ready. It turned out perfectly, and I'll post some pictures very soon.

       Lily gave me a bit of scare in the middle of the night on Tuesday by painfully flipping a complete 180 and shoving her head up under my ribs. Not what you hope for this late in the game. She spent hours manipulating herself while I laid as passively as I could to let her figure things out. I went into my appointment today a little nervous about her positioning, because she still feels much different to me than before her acrobatics, but all is well. My PA assured me that she's just perfect.

       I hate having my hopes up that Lily will come on my own timeline, but I feel really good about going into labor soon. I'm not uncomfortable (though I'm to the point that I don't bend and snap when I drop everything), and I'm not even exhausted or tired of being pregnant. I actually feel really good today; full of energy, high in spirits, smitten with our girls. But I'm ready and excited to bring our girl into the world and finally see her sweet face!


week 35

       We had our final growth ultrasound this week and got to see our sweet girly's face! She measured in at 5lbs, 4oz about a week ago, and during this last stretch she should be gaining about 8oz a week. Even though her approximate weight is lower than Violet's was, she and I are measuring right at schedule. And being over 5 lbs means she shouldn't have to stay in the NICU to gain weight, praise! On that note, since all is well my bedrest order has been lifted! My doctor suggested easing back into my day to day, so on day one I walked a mile and a half. Remember that less than 3 months ago I was running 6 miles a day with a jogger and a toddler. That little bitty walk was too much for my chubby self, and I strained my round ligament (which starts in my groin and supports my big round belly) so badly that I couldn't hardly waddle to the bathroom for several days. Almost a week later, I had to wake Bobby up to help me roll out of bed to pee last night! So I'm still feeling very humbled by this pregnancy, but I'm extremely grateful to have made it past our big goal and to now have a little more freedom.

       We had a great visit from my dad and sister over 4th of July weekend. We put the girls' beds in their rightful rooms, and we've been working on the toddler bed transition. So far she's made it through the night once, but we are persisting! We ended up Chromecasting a few fireworks shows instead of driving somewhere after V's bedtime and walking an ungodly distance just for her to have the poop scared out of her, and I'm pretty content with that choice! 

       We are thrilled to be in the last (and safe!) stretch of this pregnancy, but I've got to say how much I'll miss being pregnant with Lily. She's been such a sweet and gentle little wiggle-worm for the last 8 months, and I'm really going to miss the relationship that Violet has formed with her bellybutton-sister. Even though it's been a stressful pregnancy, it's been a really sweet time for our little family.


week 33

       The bags are packed, the sheets are washed, the gear is clean. After a week full of nesting (and I mean scrubbing dustboards, the fireplace, and piano keys ya'll), I think it's safe to say that we are ready to bring this baby home. But we aren't in any hurry, and hope she cooks as long as she needs! Tomorrow we are going to pack out the ultrasound suite at my doctor's office for our final growth scan. Not only will Bobby and Violet join me, but so will my mom, dad, and Bailey. I can't wait. At V's scan we could see her curly hair, her perfect position (other than her engaged head which was blocked by my pelvis), and we got the "all-clear" after she measured almost 8 pounds. We'd love to get such detailed information about Lily this week, too. 

       The last few days have been full of family, rest, and being entertained by Violet. She is so excited about having her grands and aunt here, and has been putting every willing person, baby doll, and stuffed animal "nigh nigh" complete with a blanket, kiss, and fake cries. It's adorable. 

       I'm sleeping like a rock, having the wildest realistic dreams (that sometimes make me wake up really mad at Bobby!), and then lugging around my tired round self from meal to meal during the days. My bloodwork shows that my thyroid has crashed, and I'm really feeling that lack of energy this week. I'm hoping I'll catch up with my new dosage of synthroid very soon, unless this is my body's way of resting up for the big marathon! Until one of two outcomes is resolved I guess I'll just eat all the Cookie Two-Step and binge on Breaking Bad...