
week 14

cravings:  I literally dream of red doritos. No joke. So that’s what I bought myself for my birthday. Also Hot Pot broth with bean noodles which I've now had for three meals this weekend. Orange juice picks me up after working out when I feel like becoming one with my bathroom floor, not really a craving just a non-medicinal nausea fix.

aversions:  Sweet. I thought I wanted cake, ate it, kind of hated it. I didn't even get chocolate covered strawberries for valentines because the two Bobby brought me looked good and tasted blah. Creamy is gross too, mostly I think because everything tastes sweeter and sweet milk/cheese/coffee cream is just bad. I can finally eat greek yogurt again (good since I've had a major meat aversion until this week) if I add hardly any honey and lots of nuts.

symptoms:  Headaches, like bad. Stretching pains, the real reason women with bumps constantly rub their bellies. Hunger, the extreme kind, all the time. Really awesome skin, with unfortunate hair growing out of it.

movement:  I think I've felt flutters a few times, and it’s weird and so so wonderful! Now I can’t be sure that’s what I’m feeling, but its unlike anything I've ever experienced and they make me need to pee.

weight gain:  um, negative 14+. Barfing for months does that, but things should start to improve now that the morning sickness is on the mend.

fears:  At my last sono, baby was asleep and would. not. move. I would see the heartbeat flutter, but that just terrified me to see baby ignoring my acrobatics and sleeping like a log. I blame Grey’s Anatomy and really sad brainless-baby episodes for that.

general mood:  I've been really happy. Like grinning and sighing because I’m so joyful. But I also cry at the drop of a hat from youtube videos, commercials, buzzfeed articles, and Harry Potter. Bobby says he loves when I’m overcome with emotion, but it really frustrates me to have no control.

sleep:  Lousy. 1-2 bathroom trips per night leave me wide awake and staring at the ceiling, far too uncomfortable to fall back to sleep.

surprised by:  There is a little person with eyes and elbows sucking their thumb inside of me. The miracle of life and all its complexities takes me by surprise often.

looking forward to: Baby hearing Bobby when he talks right up against my belly. Finding out if baby is a he or she.

best / worst moments:  The flutters, impossible to top. Post workouts are always the worst, worth it in the long run but hell in the now.

bobby is:   going to be the best dad, I’m sure of it. He’s just as excited and in love as I am, which takes me by surprise just because I’m SO in love.

maternity clothes:  I've been sporting below-belly maternity jeans from target for far longer than I've been pregnant because they fit a big booty like no one's business, but thanks to my mom and my in-law’s birthday presents, I now have a couple really great maternity dresses that I would have probably never bought for myself (thanks mom!), a belly band (guys this is a magical device that keeps your pants up and your belly smooth and its great), and a couple shirts that aren't maternity but should last me a good few months or more without feeling like a whale.

gender:  I want to know so bad. The other night we watched the Delivery episodes of The Office and Pam accidentally leaks that she cheated and asked the doctor the baby’s sex and Jim cries when he realizes baby is a girl. Yeah, I cried a lot. And I’m crying now too. Anyways, mark your calendars for April 4 if you live in Florida come see for yourself at our gender reveal party! More on that later..

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