
week 36

cravings:  Chester's Hot Fries, salted caramel, steak, fruit and lots of it

aversions:  none, give me all the food.

symptoms:   Lots of pelvic pressure, waves of strong contractions, loss of mucus plug, waves of intense energy and extreme exhaustion, dilation of 2cm and effacement of 50%, nausea

movement:  for most of the week she has been kicking hard and working her head into my darkest depths. But today she has been full of sweet, gentle flutters.

fears:  that I won't know when labor is really here and that I'll end up like the mom who delivered her own baby on the beltway last week. I'm actually praying that my water will break in a very obvious way early in active labor just so I can know for sure.

general mood:  lots of ups and downs. There have been bouts of overwhelmed and upset years and bouts of extreme joy and bliss tears.

sleep:  I'm napping more solid than I'm sleeping. I've been having hot and cold flashes at night and I'm a whale. 

surprised by:  how beat I've been today. I painted some artwork sitting down, napped, and made a run to the store for light bulbs and I'm totally exhausted. Yesterday I was shopping all over town and on my feet for over thirteen hours and I rocked it. Like I said, ups and downs.

looking forward to:  meeting her. And not being pregnant. And having all the preparations done. 

best / worst moments:  losing my mucus plug was such an encouragement, that my contractions have actually been doing something. And then my doctor says she doesn't expect me to make it to my due date (and maybe not even to my next appointment!) which made me feel so relieved. I understand that babies need to wait to come until they are ready, but my body has been acting ready for over a week now and it is getting really difficult to function. And I guess the worst moments this week have been when I just feel beat by this pregnancy, and they are increasing.

bobby is:   happy I have my mom here to babysit me, make me rest, and help me with chores I can no longer do without potentially hurting myself. And he's so ready to be a daddy. He bought her a big purple bow this week for newborn pictures, and my heart totally swelled.

nursery progress:  We are getting there! We have a lovely chalk board to keep her monthly statistics on, we bought and are working on setting up her library and monogram wall, we hung curtains, I made a lovely flag bunting to cheer up the crib, and we are missing only a few minor things. It feels so good to start to feel ready.

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