
week 30

cravings:  I've had a super sweet tooth this week, satisfied only by root beer milkshakes from Whataburger.

aversions:  meat again. Not that burgers suddenly sound gross or anything, they just don't hang around long.

symptoms:  the worst rib pain from where she got her head caught last week. I don't know if I strained a muscle or have inflamed ribs, but it blows. I was also rudely awakened around 2am the other night, losing my dinner. So I'm having morning sickness and contractions simultaneously now. They say the worse the pregnancy, the better the baby. Whoever "they" are, they better be right.

movement:  different. Now that she's head down I get either intense jabs or little wiggles instead of the kicks and rolls I'd been feeling.

fears:  I fear that I'll still be puking in the delivery room lol.

general mood:  tired, but so happy and content with every little movement.

sleep:  I'm sleeping better now that I'm back in my own bed, but interrupted with nausea and heartburn.

surprised by:  how close we are to baby, 75% cooked!

looking forward to:  Seeing that face. I just know she'll be the most adorable sight.

best / worst moments:  The best moment was being loved on my so many at our shower this weekend. We were embraced with support, encouragement, and hope for her future while simultaneously being showered with more baby clothes that I could ever imagine.

bobby is:   brought to tears by little onesies! He's so ready to fill them with chunky baby legs!

nursery progress:  We've collected most of the necessities, so his week we will be painting furniture and setting up the big stuff. So far I've painted the rocker from my dad's nursery, and its so emotional to sit in it, daydreaming of rocking her in just a couple of months.

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