
week 14 / gender tease

Now that I'm finally in my second trimester (and had two extra sets of hands this weekend, thanks in-laws!), I've gotten the chance to start some bumpdates! Obviously, the belly popped out a little earlier this time 'round due to my diastasis recti and being just as pregnant just two years ago. And I am loving it. Really, it feels so right to rub the pooch and show it off. 

Now for the big fat crazy news...


It is the only thing I wanted for my birthday, and even though the test results took a little long and we found out later than our wishes, I got the best email on Tuesday and mailed out the sweetest cards to our families yesterday morning. Below I've added my comparison symptoms to the Old Wives Tales card I made for Violet's gender reveal. It's been pretty neat to compare the pregnancies,  though they've been pretty similar. I'd say the biggest difference has been having less nausea and more hip and back pain with this one so far (but that could just be because I'm busy chasing and carrying a toddler all the time!).

Compare the lists, admire the bumpiness, and let me know what you think: are we blue or pink?!

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